IBA Dosimetry medical imaging product pmma

PMMA Phantoms for CT/CBCT

3-part CTDI* Phantom for simulation of adult & pediatric imaging cased of head & body

  • Innovative 2-part or 3-part nested phantoms
  • Simulation of head and /or body scans for adults as well as pediatric
  • Determination of the dose delivered to the patient for a given series of CT scans
  • Optimized for pencil-shaped CT ionization chambers e.g. IBA Ion Chamber DCT10-RS
IBA Dosimetry PMMA CT Phantom
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IBA Dosimetry PMMA CT Phantom

3-part PMMA CT-Phantom 

Adult Head & Body / Pediatric Head & Body 
Innovative 3-part nested PMMA phantom for CTDI measurements. Designed to image pediatric and adult head and body in accordance with FDA performance standard for diagnostic X-ray systems (21CFR 1020.33).

Consisting of:

  • 1 pediatric head phantom, 10 cm diameter, 5 holes
  • 1 adult head-/pediatric body phantom, 16 cm diameter, 4 holes
  • 1 adult body annulus, 32 cm diameter, 4 holes (the above-mentioned 3 phantoms fit into each other!)
  • 13 acrylic rods for plugging all the phantom holes

2-part PMMA CT-Phantom

Adult Head & Body 
Phantom for CTDI measurements according to IEC 60601-2-44, IEC 61223-3-5, IEC 61223-2-6. 

Consisting of:

  • 1 adult head phantom, 16 cm diameter, 5 holes
  • 1 adult body annulus, 32 cm diameter, 4 holes
  • 9 acrylic rods for plugging all the phantom holes
IBA Dosimetry PMMA CT Phantom

Complete Solution Kits

Discover complete solutions kits for CTDI measurements at all types of CT scanners.

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