Medical Imaging QA Solutions
IBA offers advanced Quality Assurance solutions for diagnostic imaging equipment: Beam QA, Image QA, and Medical Display QA.
Medical Imaging Quality Assurance tools in Radiation Therapy
IBA offers complete solution kits for Imaging QA needs in RT.
- Dose and Image QA for CT Sim and Linac IGRT systems
- kV Imaging QA and Dosimetry for CBCT, OBI, and CT-Sim
MagicMaX solution
"The most notable feature of the MagicMaX solution is its speed and simplicity of use. The system quickly and automatically records imaging doses and resets following each exposure for serial measurements. From setup to breakdown, my TrueBeam’s kV imaging system is evaluated in 5 minutes. It’s hard to argue against routine imaging QA when such an easy and affordable solution is available."
Jacob A. Gersh, PhD
Medical Physicist
Gibbs Cancer Center, Spartanburg, SC, USA
NEU - Deutschsprachige Webseite für Produkte von IBA Dosimetry im Bereich Medizinische Bildgebung
Folgen Sie dem Link und finden Sie deutsche Inhalte zu Produkten wie:
- Multimeter - MaxicMaX Universal
- Dosis-Monitoring - KermaX
- Prüfkörper - Primus A
- Leuchtdichtemessgerät - LXcan
- DisplayQ
Product Catalog
Looking for an overview of IBA's complete line of Medical Imaging Products?
Check out this product catalog today!
Industry Partner
"We are using the Multimeter MagicMaX from IBA Dosimetry GmbH for acceptance and constancy Tests with our EXAMION® x-ray systems as well as other systems that we maintain. We value the usability and high quality of the measurement device as well as the fast and competent service of IBA Dosimetry, especially regarding calibration and maintenance of our devices.
During various trainings we could benefit from the extensive know-how of IBA which enabled us to offer our customers the legally required routine checks of the IBA Dose-Area-Product-Meters.
The trainings at the IBA International Competence Center (ICC) have further deepened our knowledge in the area of x-ray quality assurance and made our workflow more efficient."
Lars Olav Bromm
Project Manager
EXAMION GmbH, Munich, Germany
Preferred Partner of the Medical Imaging Industry
IBA Dosimetry QA solutions are used by leading x-ray equipment manufacturers.
- IBA Inside: Dose Area Product Meters from IBA are built into the highest standard x-ray machines powering patient dose safety.
- MagicMaX multimeter is used by x-ray service organizations and final testing.
Measurement Devices
MagicMaX rad/flu/dent
Advanced beam verification and quality
assurance for all x-ray imaging modalities
MagicMaX Current Probe
Invasive and non-invasive measurements
of the tube current with MagicMaX Multimeters
For ambient light measurements of image display devices and at viewing boxes