IBA Dosimetry Product Ionization Chamber DCT10-RS Hero

10XF-3CT – Ionization Chamber

The 10XF-3CT is designed for Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) and DLP measurements

Key benefits

  • Flat energy response covering the total active chamber length
  • High confidence with individual factory calibration sheet

10XF-3CT is the ionization chamber for measurements on CT scanners

  • Air ionization chamber
  • Homogeneous sensitivity over the entire active length of the chamber
  • Provided with protective shielding (guarded)
  • Delivered with an individual calibration document
Contact us for your individual solution!
Begin Benefit


External electrodeC552
Inner electrodeC552
Connector7-pin multi plug connector
Cable2 m flexible, low noise



Active volume3 cm3
Total active length100 mm
Outer diameter of the external electrode9 mm


Operating Data

Leakage current< ± 4 x 10-15 A
Measuring range for CT beam qualityRQR 8 - RQR 10100 kV - 150 kV
 RQR 8 - RQR 10100 kV - 150 kV
 RQR 8 - RQR 9100 kV - 120 kV
Calibration factor (typical)ND,K = 72 mGy cm/nC (120 kV/4.5 mm Al HVL)
Sensitivity1.11 nC/ Gy
Dose measuring range0.032 mGy – 15 Gy
Dose rate measuring range0.32 mGy/s – 0.05 Gy/s
Dose length measuring range0.32 mGycm – 132 Gycm
Dose rate length range3.2 mGycm/s – 0.5 Gycm/s
Uncertainty< 5 %
Calibration referenceRQT 9: in the chamber axis at the center of the cavity volume
Beam incidence directionthe central beam axis is perpendicular to the chamber axis


End Benefit